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La más completa guía de alquiler y conducción en United Kingdom

Consisting of England, Wales, Scotland and North Ireland, the United Kingdom is renowned for its beautiful natural sceneries and a wide mix of architectures, making it an attractive destination country to discover by car. Here are a few basic driving instructions and tips to help you serenely prepare your journey.

  • Speed Limit and Traffic Signs
  • Seatbelt and Child Safety
  • Parking, Fuel and Toll
  • Traffic Violation
  • Driving Licence and Age Requirements

Speed Limit and Traffic Signs

In the United Kingdom, driving is on the left-hand side of the road and overtaking is on the right. Mobile phones cannot be used to call or text while driving. On Roundabouts, drivers on the right have right of way. 

Drivers should remain alert on countryside’s roads, as farm animals and agricultural vehicles can turn out to be difficult obstacles to pass. 

Speed Limit

There are speed limits of 30 mph(48 km/h) on urban areas, 60 mph(96 km/h) in rural areas and 70 mph(112 km/h) in motorways unless signs say otherwise. 

Traffic Signs

Traffic signs used in the UK include signs giving orders, warning and indicating direction or information. Here are some frequently used signs in the UK. 

Regulatory signs feature a circular shape with some exceptions. 

UK Traffic Sign Give Priority to Vehicles from Opposite DirectionGive Priority to Vehicles from Opposite DirectionUK Traffic Sign Give Way to Traffic on Major RoadGive Way to Traffic on major roadUK Traffic Sign No Vehicles Except Bicycles Being PushedNo Vehicles Except Bicycles Being Pushed UK Traffic Sign No OvertakingNo OvertakingUK Traffic Sign No WaitingNo Waiting

UK Traffic Sign No StoppingNo Stopping

Warning signs are mostly triangular with a red border.

UK Traffic Sign RoundaboutRoundaboutUK Traffic Sign Uneven RoadUneven RoadUK Traffic Sign Two-way Traffic on Route Crossing AheadTwo-way Traffic on Route Crossing AheadUK Traffic Sign Wild AnimalsWild AnimalsUK Traffic Sign Level Crossing WIth Barrier or Gate AheadLevel Crossing WIth Barrier or Gate AheadUK Traffic Sign Level Crossing Without Barrier or Gate AheadLevel Crossing Without Barrier or Gate AheadUK Traffic Sign Level Crossing Without BarrierLevel Crossing Without Barrier

Information signs in the UK are rectangular with various colour backgrounds.

UK Traffic Sign Primary Route Forming Part of a Ring RoadPrimary Route Forming Part of a Ring Road

UK Traffic Sign Entrance to Congestion Charging ZoneEntrance to Congestion Charging ZoneUK Traffic Sign Hospital Ahead with Accident and Emergency FacilitiesHospital Ahead with Accident and Emergency FacilitiesUK Traffic Sign Tourist Information PointTourist Information Point

Click here for a complete road signs guide in the United Kingdom.

*Tenga en cuenta que las reglas están sujetas a cambios. QEEQ.COM hará todo lo posible para mantener la exactitud de esta información.

Seatbelt and Child Safety

Seatbelt Laws

All passengers over 12 or 13 years, or over 135cm tall must wear a seat belt at all times. Failure to do so could result in a fine up to £500.

Booster Seat Laws

Children until the age of 12th or the height of 135cm should be placed in an appropriate seat for their height and weight.

*Tenga en cuenta que las reglas están sujetas a cambios. QEEQ.COM hará todo lo posible para mantener la exactitud de esta información.

Parking, Fuel and Toll


· Forbidden Parking

Finding parking space in town and city centres can prove difficult, especially in the centre of London. Parking your car in the following spots is strictly forbidden and could result in a fine:

- Beyond the time restriction marked on poles, lampposts or even screwed onto adjacent walls of buildings with a single, continuous yellow line along the kerb

- With double, continuous yellow lines along the kerb, which indicates no parking at any time

United Kingdom Double and Continuous Yellow Lines(Image from

· Paid Parking

White marked bays with white markings indicate a metered street parking. These are generally "pay-and-display" parking for which a ticket needs to be purchased from an adjacent machine, and displayed on the car’s windshield or dashboard. 

Be careful to check the "controlled hours" which are marked on the payment machines and on adjacent signs (again, usually on lamp posts and on walls). Parking outside the controlled hours is free.

United Kingdom Paid Parking Signs

(Image from

When finding a parking spot, we strongly suggest you not to let the absence of yellow lines lull you into a false sense of security, and always look for parking signs or meter machines.

Fuel Prices

The average value for the United Kingdom gasoline price during the period from August to November 2017 was 1.21£ per litre, while diesel is 3 cents higher.


Currently, there is a single major road - the M6 Toll - and a small number of bridges and tunnels where tolls are collected. Each toll road and bridge in the United Kingdom has its own fee, varying and depending on the type of vehicle you are driving. Fees are collected at toll gates and can be paid in cash or by credit card or by fuel equipment for automatic toll payment.

United Kingdom Toll Road(Image from 

Some car hire companies will debit your credit card in order to pay the tolls on your behalf if you missed paying one (depending on different car hire companies). If you have any questions concerning toll fee billing, feel free to contact QEEQ' 24/7 customer service team for help.

Additional Tips

In London, the Congestion Charge is a £11.50 daily charge for driving a vehicle within the charging zone between 07:00 and 18:00, Monday to Friday. Usually, the congestion charge will be collected and informed by the car hire company at the rental desk. 

*Tenga en cuenta que las reglas están sujetas a cambios. QEEQ.COM hará todo lo posible para mantener la exactitud de esta información.

Traffic Violation

DUI Laws

Except for Scotland – whose limit is set at 0.05%, other locations within the UK have a legal blood alcohol concentration limit of 0.08% per driver. Driving over the alcohol limit can result in a penalty up to six months of imprisonment, a fine of up to £5,000 and a minimum of twelve months' disqualification. 

Traffic Fines

The minimum speeding fine for an infringement is £100. A notice will be sent to the car’s registered keeper by the enforcement authority. In a renter’s case, the notice will be sent to the car hire company and passed on to the renter. 

Parking tickets usually need to be paid within 28 days. In some cases, the fine is reduced by 50% if the payment is made within 14 days. Failure to pay the parking tickets within the given period will result in the penalty notice being passed onto the car hire company.

In some cases, the car hire company will debit your credit card for the penalty fee and add an administration charge. It is advisable for you to contact QEEQ’ customer service team if you believe you have been charged incorrectly. 

*Tenga en cuenta que las reglas están sujetas a cambios. QEEQ.COM hará todo lo posible para mantener la exactitud de esta información.

Driving Licence and Age Requirements

All drivers must be in possession of a full driver's licence, many car hire companies may require driver's licence held for at least 2 years. The minimum age generally to rent a vehicle in the UK is 21 years old. But the age restrictions may vary by different car categories. 

*Tenga en cuenta que las reglas están sujetas a cambios. QEEQ.COM hará todo lo posible para mantener la exactitud de esta información.

Las mejores ofertas de alquiler de coches en Reino Unido

  • Glasgow

    desde USD 5.75 /día

  • Londres

    desde USD 9.25 /día

  • Edimburgo

    desde USD 10.27 /día

  • Tierras Medias Orientales

    desde USD 11.59 /día

Las mejores tarifas encontradas por los usuarios de QEEQ en los últimos 30 días.

Preguntas frecuentes

Q1.¿Qué es la franquicia del seguro?

La franquicia es el monto por el que será responsable en caso de daños (bajo Exención parcial por colisión) o robo (bajo Cobertura por robo) del coche.
La información sobre franquicia se indicará claramente en la inclusión de precios cuando reserve un automóvil en QEEQ.

Q2. ¿Cómo puedo aañadir un conductor adicional?

Se recomienda realizar una solicitud al llegar al mostrador del alquiler. Podría incurrir en un cargo adicional por día a menos que "un conductor adicional" est'a estipulado en e contrato de alquiler.
Por favor, tenga en cuenta que los mismos requisitos de licenceia y edad aplican para el conductor adicional. El conductor adicional debe presentar la licencia requerida junto con el conductor principal a la hora de la recogida.

P3.¿Qué pasa si quiero hacer la recogida o devolución fuera de horarios de oficina?

QEEQ le mostrará las ofertas de automóviles disponibles para las fechas que seleccionó en la barra de búsqueda.
Sin embargo, la recogida o devolución fuera de horarios del proveedor podría tener como consecuencia un cargo extra, a menos que cuente con la opción de autoservicio de recogida o devolución.
Después de reservar un automóvil en QEEQ, le informaremos por correo electrónico de la política específica de la agencia de alquiler de automóviles.

Q4. ¿Puedo ir a otro país o cruzar la frontera con el coche que alquilé?

Si desea recoger su automóvil en un país y devolverlo en otro, los resultados de su búsqueda le mostrarán automóviles con los que puede hacerlo.
Si planea cruzar cualquier frontera durante su viaje, tenga en cuenta que:
1. Es posible que tenga que pagar más.
A menudo hay cuotas, impuestos o coberturas adicionales que pagará en el mostrador de alquiler de coches.
2. Cruzar la frontera podría estar prohibido.
Dependiendo de dónde alquile, es posible que no pueda llevar su automóvil a otro país.
Envíenos un correo electrónico si desea llevar su coche de alquiler a un país diferente durante su viaje, y le diremos cuáles son las opciones.

P5.- ¿Puedo recoger un automóvil en un lugar y devolverlo en otro?

Sí. Puede recoger el automóvil en un lugar y devolverlo en otro. Incurrirá en una tasa de "trayecto de sólo ida". Si esta tasa está incluida en el precio de alquiler, o si por el contrario es un costo adicional, será indicado claramente en el momento de reservar con QEEQ.
Cuando recoja el coche, por favor informe su lugar de devolución directamente a la agencia de alquiler de automóviles, o comuníquese con ellos durante su viaje. Encontrará su número de teléfono en el contrato de alquiler que firmó al recoger el coche.

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