US$ 31/día
Alquiler de coches al mejor precio
Ubicaciones de alquiler
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Última actualización el: 10 de Marzo de 2025
21 Ubicaciones de alquiler
Terminal T3 is closed. Customer arriving at T3 (TS and all charter companies) must go directly to the CDG Val Station, next to the hotels, exit at Terminal 1 and go to Gate 30 at the arrivals level. Customers arriving with the following airlines: AH-KC-AC-HM-TN-AA-BA-CX-LY-EY-ET-HU-WY-RJ-SE-SU-UU-AI-MD-KK-EK-E-GF-9W-SV-HY-JU-J2-B2-FB+OU-U2-9YM-T5-PS-JP-BT-KM-OS-OK-AY must go to Terminal 2c/2d level -1 "espace service" - FLIGHT NUMBER IS MANDATORY. Flight number or arrival Terminal mandatory for all reservations to apply Gold Service where customer is arriving by plane. If no flight details, please go to Terminal 2D. From 0400 to 0600, only terminal 2F is open. Terminal 2G is open Mo-Fr 0700-1800 1900-2200, Sa 0800-1100 1200-1700, Su 1100-1400 1500-2000.
0825889755 / +330148626922
8.7/10 Muy bien
600+ calificaciones 3 reseñas
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Since October, 2024, Car Rental Desks at Paris Charles de Gaulle Apt Terminal 2ABCD are closed due to major airport construction work until March 2026. Until then, Desks open are only CDG Term 1 or CDG Term2EF. For clients landing at Term 2ABCD, Airport changed signs to invite clients to go to Term 2EF (follow “Location de Voitures – Car Rental” signs).
+33821230641 / +33977403232
8.7/10 Muy bien
600+ calificaciones 3 reseñas
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Since October, 2024, Car Rental Desks at Paris Charles de Gaulle Apt Terminal 2ABCD are closed due to major airport construction work until March 2026. Until then, Desks open are only CDG Term 1 or CDG Term2EF. For clients landing at Term 2ABCD, Airport changed signs to invite clients to go to Term 2EF (follow “Location de Voitures – Car Rental” signs).
+33821230641 / +33148163004
8.5/10 Muy bien
100+ calificaciones reseñas
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Meet&Greet service: it is mandatory to provide the flight number and when possible, also the mobile number. We request you to call the mobile number provided on the location list to advise that the flight is landed.
To find the Meet & Greet point, follow the direction was given:
Pickup point:
Terminal 1 : closed (no pick up)
Terminal 2A : departure level, door 5
Terminal 2B : departure level, no specific door
Terminal 2C : departure level, door 14
Terminal 2D : closed (no pick up)
Terminal 2E : departure level, door 8
Terminal 2F : departure level, door 8
Terminal 2G : departure level, no specific door
Terminal 3 : departure level, no specific door
Pickup telephone number: 0033 756439729
01 86 500 500
8.5/10 Muy bien
200+ calificaciones reseñas
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Our counters are situated at Terminal 2E/F and Terminal 1. For Terminal 2E/F: When you arrive from Terminal 2E/F/G or by TGV, please follow the signs to find Terminal 2E/F until rental area "location de voitures". The counter is situated outside the terminal building. For Terminal 1, exit your flight via the baggage reclaim and you will find our counter to the right. Please note if your reservation is for a minibus (9 seater), you will need to collect this from Terminal 2E/F due to height restrictions.
8.5/10 Muy bien
800+ calificaciones 2 reseñas
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Our counters are situated at Terminal 2E/F and Terminal 1. For Terminal 2E/F: When you arrive from Terminal 2E/F/G or by TGV, please follow the signs to find Terminal 2E/F until rental area "location de voitures". The counter is situated outside the terminal building. For Terminal 1, exit your flight via the baggage reclaim and you will find our counter to the right. Please note if your reservation is for a minibus (9 seater), you will need to collect this from Terminal 2E/F due to height restrictions.
8.5/10 Muy bien
100+ calificaciones reseñas
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Serviced by Hertz Car Rentals.
8.5/10 Muy bien
100+ calificaciones reseñas
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Go to Terminal 2D at the arrival level and look for car rentals signs
+33 (0) 148 16 12 22
8.5/10 Muy bien
100+ calificaciones reseñas
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The Sixt branch is located in the renters' building (arrivals level, between terminal 2E and terminal 2F)
8.5/10 Muy bien
100+ calificaciones reseñas
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The SIXT branch is located in Terminal 1 on the arrivals level at the door 26. After baggage claim, walk to the right to the end of the corridor to find the us.
8.5/10 Muy bien
100+ calificaciones reseñas
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8.5/10 Muy bien
100+ calificaciones reseñas
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Our counters are situated at Terminal 2E/F and Terminal 1. For Terminal 2E/F: When you arrive from Terminal 2E/F/G or by TGV, please follow the signs to find Terminal 2E/F until rental area "location de voitures". The counter is situated outside the terminal building. For Terminal 1, exit your flight via the baggage reclaim and you will find our counter to the right. Please note if your reservation is for a minibus (9 seater), you will need to collect this from Terminal 2E/F due to height restrictions.
8.5/10 Muy bien
100+ calificaciones reseñas
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The car dealer will contact you in advance to inform you of the delivery location. Please fill in the flight number when placing your order.
8.2/10 Muy bien
500+ calificaciones 1 reseñas
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Airline passenger: you will find our rental store on Arrival level - Door 28
+33820611620 / +33148623292,+330627873533
8.2/10 Muy bien
500+ calificaciones 1 reseñas
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Since October, 2024, Car Rental Desks at Paris Charles de Gaulle Apt Terminal 2ABCD are closed due to major airport construction work until March 2026. Until then, Desks open are only CDG Term 1 or CDG Term2EF. For clients landing at Term 2ABCD, Airport changed signs to invite clients to go to Term 2EF (follow “Location de Voitures – Car Rental” signs).
7.9/10 Bueno
2000+ calificaciones 10 reseñas
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Arrivals are at gate 2 on the arrivals level, in the parking lot between terminals 2E and 2F. Follow signs for Terminal 2 E/F and proceed to the rental car area in the parking lot.
7.9/10 Bueno
2000+ calificaciones 10 reseñas
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The Desk is between Terminal 2C and 2D. Terminal 2 A/B/C/D: The service area is on service level 0 between terminals 2C and 2D. Follow signs for Terminal 2 C and D, then continue to the rental car area in the parking lot. Please go to T2F if no one is there. Terminal 2 E/F: Arrivals are at gate 2 on the arrivals level, in the parking lot between terminals 2E and 2F. Follow signs for Terminal 2 E/F and proceed to the rental car area in the parking lot.
+33977403257 / +33969393229
7.9/10 Bueno
2000+ calificaciones 10 reseñas
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The counter is located near the baggage reclaim area.
+33977403257 / +33148623870
7.6/10 Bueno
800+ calificaciones 5 reseñas
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Arrivals are at gate 2 on the arrivals level, in the parking lot between terminals 2E and 2F. Follow signs for Terminal 2 E/F and proceed to the rental car area in the parking lot.
7.6/10 Bueno
800+ calificaciones 5 reseñas
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The branch is located in the airport Terminal T2D with a "car rental" sign. Please follow the instructions to walk for about 5 minutes.
7.6/10 Bueno
800+ calificaciones 5 reseñas
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The counter was located at Arrival hall in T1, service by Europcar.
Ocupa el 39% de todos los alquileres de coches. Los tipos de coches más seleccionados son: Small , Large y SUV .
* Basado en todas las reservas de CDG Airport (CDG) de los últimos 30 días.
Por el contrario, miércoles es el día menos ocupado.
Más reservas significan más tiempo de espera en el mostrador. Prepárese si le va a llevar mucho tiempo recoger su pedido en el Aeropuerto CDG (CDG).
* Basado en la hora de recogida programada de todas las reservas de CDG Airport (CDG).
Los alquileres de coches de ida representan casi el 22% del total de reservas en Aeropuerto CDG (CDG).Fuera de él, además de París , otros destinos principales: Amsterdam, Nice .
En promedio, Protección básica cuesta USD 60.49 por día para Small , USD 91.28 para Large y USD 73.55 para SUV .
Do You Know?
No.1 País de origen
Los clientes de Kenia eligen con mayor frecuencia Cdg Airport(CDG) como punto de partida de sus viajes de negocios y de ocio.
Mas grande es mejor
Los arrendatarios de Estados Unidos prefieren modelos de coches más espaciosos como Toyota ProAce,Mercedes-Benz Vito y Renault Trafic .
Todo un planificador
A Nueva Zelanda los inquilinos les gusta planificar con mucha más antelación, por lo general hacen la reserva en línea 128 días antes de la recogida en Aeropuerto CDG (CDG).
9.6/10 Excelente
400+ calificaciones 3 reseñas
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